Saturday 27 July 2013

How to prevent cancer

                                                                Food that prevent cancer

One of the chronic disease that one should watch out for is cancer, most especially if people with tendencies. Cancer can be promoted by eating the wrong diet and as well be prevented if you eat well. What are the foods that prevent this deadly disease?
Fruit: the most effective anticarcinogenic food is fruit especially take along side vegetable. Scientific research conducted throughout the world reveals that consumption of fruit in abundance prevents most of the cancer that affect humans.
•    Citrus like orange, lemon and grape has anticarcinogenic capacity due to the combine effect of vitamin C, flavoniods, limoniods and pectin.
•    Apple and plums help in preventing colon cancer.
•    Pineapples prevent stomach cancer.
•    Grapes contain resveratrol especially in the skin which is anticarcinogenic.
•    Blackberries and other aggregate fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and currants are rich in anthocynanins, powerful antioxidants that neutralize the carcinogenic effect of free radicals.
•    Acerolas, guavas and kiwis are also effective because of their high vitamin C content.
Olive oil: research conducted in the United States and Spain reveal that when olive oil is substituted for other dietary fats it reduces breast cancer risk.
Whole grains: the fiber in whole grains accelerates movement through the bowel. It as well retains and removes carcinogenic substances that may be in the digestive tract, excreting them with the feces. Grains also contain phytates, which act as anticarcinogens, though they as well reduce zinc and iron absorption.
 Vegetables: all vegetables prevent cancer to a greater or lesser degree. Their richness in vitamin C, vitamin A, together with antioxidant phytochemicals result in anticarcinogenic effect.
•    Carrots are have high concentration of beta-carotene, carotenoids, and fiber prove its anticarcinogenic effect.
•    Red beets contain anticarcinogenic phytochemicals.
•    Botanical family solanaceae: the vegetable of this family protect against cancer, particularly tomatoes, sweet peppers and eggplants. They are rich in beta-carotene, carotenoids and vitamin C, all of which are potent antioxidants.
•    Botanical family liliaceae: all of the vegetable of this family like onion and garlic, contain flavonoids and sulfurated essences that protect against cancer.
•    Crucifers: examples are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and radishes. This plant family contain a variety of sulfurated phytochemicals whose anticarcinogenic effect has been demonstrated in animal laboratory. This effect persists after cooking. They are best for their cancer prevention properties.
Yogurt: in contrast to milk, whose consumption is related with a variety of cancer, yogurt protects against cancer. Its content of active bacterial cultures and lactic acid partially explain this protective effect.
 Legumes: these are very effective in protecting against cancer due to their richness in fiber and anticarcinogenic phytochemicals such as phytic acid and phytates.
•    Soy and its derivatives particularly tofu and soymil, provide a variety of anticarcinogenic phytochemicals. The most effective are the isoflavones genistein and daidzein. They are very effective against prostate and breast cancer.

Thursday 4 July 2013

10 Best food that boost metabolism and help lose weight

Metabolism is the entire complex of biochemical reactions that are constantly occurring within the body to produce energy and maintain life. In the broadest sense, all foods are metabolized since after eaten they are all involved in the chemical processes of the body. However, some foods are more directly involve in metabolism than the others. For instance, mushrooms and loquats reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, cherries and leeks facilitate the elimination of waste products, and also whole wheat provides a balance proportion of nutrients required to product energy within the body.
In trying to lose weight, we tend to focus all of our attention on foods we are not supposed to eat and this makes us miss our favorite delicacy, making the process losing weight less interesting. However it will be more fascinating if your attention is more focused on foods that actually boost your metabolism and at the same time prevents the storage of fat.
Let look at some of the food.
1)      Water:  it has been a common saying that for healthy living it is very expedient to take up to eight glasses of water per day. This is the result of a resent research done to prove if the practice of drinking such amount of water daily really helps in speedy weight loss.
a.       Water increases metabolic rate by 30% in both men and women. Such increase takes effect 10mins after water consumption and get to the peak after 30mins to 40mins.
b.      If intake of water is increased to 1.5liters per day, up to 17,400 will be burnt i.e. approximately 5pounds.
2)      Green tea: this is beneficial than black tea in terms of nutrients. Green tea contains antioxidant, flavoniods, and thermogenic properties which help in burning the calories. If you really want to speed up your metabolism you will need to include green tea in your daily diet.
3)      Vinegar:  vinegar is a natural health remedy that has been in use for a very long time. It works well for digestive problem, sunburns, water retention reduction and infections. The most effective vinegar is apple cider vinegar which helps in speeding up metabolism and helps you lose weight and fat.
4)      Apples: metabolic syndrome can be prevented by including apple in your daily diet. Eating two or three apples a day for several months has been shown effective in reducing cholesterol level. A partial explanation for this effect is that the pectin absorbs the biliary salts in the intestine, one of the basic ingredients from which the body makes cholesterol.
5)      Cinnamon: A regular intake of cinnamon can stabilize the blood sugar (a natural treatment). It has been confirm that a teaspoon of cinnamon in the daily meal will temper blood sugar spikes.
6)      Grapefruit: this is one of the fruits always prescribe for those who want to lose weight. Because of its depurative and detoxifying properties, it is an excellent complement to the diet of anyone wishing to lose weight. Study has shown that grapefruit  reduces the level of insulin in the body.
7)      Broccoli: Since it is very low in calories and sugars, and because it produces a certain feeling of satiety, it should be include in the diets of the obese and diabetics. Due to the two essential nutrients- calcium and vitamin C in broccoli, it can boost metabolism and also slow the production of thyroid hormones in people with thyroid disease.
8)      Lean Meats and Fish: your metabolism and energy level can be boosted with lean protein source from fish and meat. With protein hunger can be curbed and weight lose can only be limited to fat and not muscle i.e. muscle will not be lost in place of fat. Having a better lean muscle mass helps burn a lot of calories every day, aiding in weight management on the long run.
9)      Garlic: when garlic is added to food, especially those rich in fat and carbohydrates, it keeps the substance from harming the body. Research has shown that garlic support blood glucose and helps manage lipid levels within the blood. In other words, adding little garlic to your food will certainly boost your metabolism.
10)   Oats: unlike other food high in sugar oats as a whole grain help keep insulin level low after eating. This ensures that you burn calories.
Other foods include Olive Oil, Hot peppers, Avocado, Beans, Brown rice, Almonds, Dark chocolate, Ginger, Celery, Low-fat yogurt.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Best recommended healthy diet for pregnant women
Pregnancy stage is a very delicate stage for every woman. It is a stage when consideration should be given to what such a woman feeds on. Some of the thing to put in view when it comes to healthy pregnancy and delivery is
·         The development of the baby
·         The health of the mother
·         The delivery of the baby
·         Breast feeding after delivery
It is essential to know that a pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories a day, especially during the last trimester. These calories should not be sourced from just large amount of food but from the right nutritious foods.
The main source of nutrients for the fetus which aids its growth comes from what the mother consume (eat or drink) in pregnancy. It is not a joke when the doctor says it is not save for a pregnant woman to take alcohol because there’s a strong link between what a mother consumes and the baby’s health.
There are a lot of conflicting information going round when it comes to what a pregnant woman should eat or not – does fish contain too much of mercury? Can a pregnant woman eat it? Do you need meat or it contains too much fat? Is egg okay or it’s high in cholesterol?  This is my advice; you don’t need to make things complicated for yourself. Just keep to eating moderately, simple, though there are some foods I will advise you to avoid completely such as alcohol.
Foods needed in pregnancy
1.    Avocado:
Nutrients; folic acid, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , vitamin E, protein, iron, fiber.
By studying the composition of Avocado one will conclude is one of the most nutritious fruits. It is vital in the formation of the baby’s nervous system; it helps with morning sickness; it helps in the growth of baby’s brain and tissue. Though avocado contain fats, yet the fats in avocados are of high biological value and are primarily unsaturated. They contain no cholesterol as is the case with all plant-based foods.   
2.    Broccoli:
Nutrients; protein, calcium, vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C, potassium, and sodium. It helps to build the bones of the baby. It can be cooked in a variety of ways similar to cauliflower. Its tender stalks may be eaten raw or lightly steamed or boiled in salad.

3.    Carrots: carrots are very rich in vitamin A which is essential for the development of the baby’s eyes, teeth, and bones. They can be eaten raw, cooked, and juiced. It also contains vitamin B6, C and fiber.
4.    Edamame: Nutrients; protein, folic acid, vitamins A, calcium, and Vitamin B. it can be taken as snacks (add little salt).You can also add it to anything you’re cooking: pasta, succotash, soups, casseroles, beans, or stir-fry.
5.    Lentils: Nutrients; Iron, vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin B1, folic acid, folates, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and copper. They are highly concentrated food, been only 11.2% water by weight. They are remarkable energy source, which supplies 338 can/100g.
6.    Mangoes: Nutrients; vitamin B1, Vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and niacin. The best way to eat mango is eating it fresh. Poor quality mangos are very fabulous and have a very strong turpentine flavor. The best have little fiber and a smooth, aromatic pulp, reminiscent of peach.
7.    Nuts: Nutrients; copper, zinc, potassium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, calcium and vitamin E. It has to be eaten in moderation because it contains fat but is still good for pregnant woman. It can be added to meat, pasta, salads, or fish dishes.
8.     Oats: Nutrients; rich in phosphorous, iron (4.72mg/100g, which surpasses meat with no more than 3mg/100g), vitamin B1, carbohydrates (due to the particular structure of the oat grain, these carbohydrates are easily assimilated and absorbed slowly. For this reason, best taken as flakes thereby retaining its nutritional value.
9.     Red pepper: Nutrients; vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6. Peppers contain very little protein (0.89%) and carbohydrate (4.43%) and virtually no fat (0.19%). Because of this, they contain only 27 kcal/100g. It blends well with stir-fries, antipastos, pasta dishes, sandwiches, and salads.
10.  Spinach: Nutrients; it is rich in vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and iron. It can be eaten raw, in salad, cooked (the ideal method is steaming, which preserve most of its vitamins and minerals), and fresh juice (recommended dose- one glass a day).
11.  Yogurt: Nutrients; calcium, protein, and folic acid. It also contains active bacterial culture and lactic acid. It blends with sandwich, salad and fruit.
12.  Eggs: in spite of about 12 vitamins and mineral in egg, it also contains lots of protein. Note: an healthy woman having normal blood cholesterol may eat 1 egg a day as part of balance diet low in saturated fat

This list can be endless as there are still a lot of nutritional food that pregnant woman can choose from such as whole grains, apricots, kiwi, papaya, seeds (particularly omega 3 rich flax), Salmon, Sweet potatoes, Dark green, leafy vegetables, Colorful fruits and veggies and lots more.

Thursday 6 June 2013


Apart from the major function of the blood, i.e. conveying oxygen and nutrients that is essential for life, the blood also absorb toxic and foreign substances that must be removed from the body. The origin of all these substances is;

  •  The metabolic processes in the body. When foods are utilize by the body, a series of toxic are generated that must be eliminated.

  •  External contaminants entering the body through food.

  •   Foreign chemical substances and Medications.

The main organ responsible for eliminating and filtering all of these toxic and foreign substances from the blood is the kidneys.
The kidneys’ best allies
  Vegetables and fruits especially those that will be recommended in this article are the healthy diet that most facilitate the purifying function of the kidneys. Water also serves as one of the best allies for the kidneys.
The kidneys are overloaded when there is excess protein because protein generate a great deal of waste products that must be eliminated particularly protein from animal sources.
The most preventive healthy diet when it comes to formation of calculi or stones in the kidneys are plant based diets. The only precaution when it comes to plants-based diets is to avoid plants-based foods that are rich in oxalic acid in the case where there are tendency to form calcium oxalate stones.
Foods rich in oxalic acid:
These vegetables are also good sources of antioxidants and as well rich in oxalic acid. You may not totally eliminate these foods but it can be reduce if there are tendency for calcium oxalate stones. Examples are lettuce, green peppers, cabbage, beets, carrots, collard greens, kale, eggplant, okra, squash, Swiss chard, spinach, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and parsley. These are also a good source of potassium. In this same case, the following must be totally eliminated parsley, beets, Swiss chard, rhubarb, collard greens, spinach, and radishes because they are very high in oxalate.
Most of the berry fruits are rich in oxalic acid. Other ones are tangerines, figs, plums, red currants, and concord grapes.  
Other foods that should be avoided by those with the tendency to form calcium oxalate stones are nuts, chocolates, tea, and bran

Friday 31 May 2013


The channel through which foods passes in called the intestine. Most of the primary nutrients in food are absorb as it advances through the small intestine, while the rest move to the large intestine where it is concentrated as feces and latter pass out of the body.  The two most common intestinal disorders happen in relation to the speed with which the food travels through the intestine.
·         When it move too rapidly. It results in diarrhea, consequently leading to loss of mineral salt, water, and other nutrients that are not absorb by the body.
·         When it move too slowly. It results in constipation. The feces putrefy and produce toxic substance which is absorb into the blood resulting in a state of autointoxication in the body.
How to avoid constipation
This is characterized by a difficulty in defecation. It is essential to avoid constipation in order to enjoy good health. It is accompanied by:
·         Expulsion of small amount of hard feces.
·         Reduction in defecation to less than three or four times in a week.
To avoid constipation the following should be observed:
1.       Drink enough water: if the body is not properly hydrated, the large intestine extracts water from the feces. This dries them and makes them difficult to expel. 
2.       Eat proper diet: proper diet is required to avoid constipation. The healthy diet dishes that contribute to constipation prevention must contain the following foods:
(i)      Fresh fruits (except quince, persimmon, pomegranate, and loquat, which are astringents). Dried fruits such as prunes and raisins are also effective.
(ii)    Vegetable
(iii)   Wholegrain and products made from them (examples are whole grain bread and pasta).
3.       Educate the bowel: Laxatives (natural vegetable fiber and pharmaceutical preparations), glycerin suppositories, enemas, and other remedies may relieve an acute case, but not chronic constipation. However, persistent functional constipation is not cured by these measures, which only provide temporary relief. Avoiding constipation requires the learning of good toilet habits from childhood and educates the bowel. Do not ignore the physiological need to defecate. Try to evacuate at the same time of the day. Perform some type of physical exercise.
4.       Consume enough fiber: plant-based foods are the only ones that contain the fiber necessary to move the feces normally through the intestine.
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