Saturday, 11 May 2013

Healthy Diet Dishes For The Eye

    The eye is one of the most crucial of all organs of the body that need healthy diet dishes to function well. There are three simultaneous functions necessary for vision which is aided by the movement of all the muscles of the eye.
  1.   Exploration of the field of vision. 
  2.    Opening and closing of the pupil according to the light available (diaphragm). 
  3.      Modification of the curve of the lens of the eye baseon the object viewed, hereby bringing it into sharp focus.
In performing these tasks signal is sent to the brain through the optic nerve. It is discovered from research that while awake the million of nerve cells that form the retina send information to the brain at the rate equivalent to 100mb/s. This can be compared to the fastest computer transmission speed.
   For the eye to carry out this complex function there is a need to give attention to foods that can aid it. Healthy diet is very essential in this regard because what the eye need is a little amount of oxygen and few other nutrients found in the following foods.
  •       Healthy diet dishes that are rich in vitamin C and E: These kinds of healthy diet also act as antioxidants. These substances are basically found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grain germ. If this healthy diet is deficient in the body, can lead to cataracts and vision loss.
  •           Healthy diet dishes that are rich in vitamin A: These kinds of health diet aids the light-sensitive pigment found in the cells of the retina and also necessary for the formation of rhodopsin. The anterior membrane of the eye called the conjunctiva is also maintained with this healthy diet.
  •           Healthy diet dishes that are rich in Carotenoids: These kinds of healthy diet help prevent macular degeneration of the retina. They are natural dyes found in plants-based foods.
Base on the diet enumerated above, the following foods are necessary in the healthy diet dishes for the eye: Cabbage, Apricot, Spinach, Orange, Carrot, Blueberry, Blackberry, Mango, and so on.

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