Friday, 24 May 2013

The best recommended healing foods for the liver

The liver is the largest of the entire internal organ weighing 1500 grams. It is the organ responsible for the metabolic function and the most chemical processes. Before the blood from the intestine is distributed to the body it must pass through the liver. In the liver the blood goes through the following processes:
·         It neutralizes toxic and foreign substance from the digestive tract.
·         It processes the nutrients carried in the portal blood from the intestine into better form for body storage. For example, glucose is processed in reserve glycogen.
The liver is also responsible for the secretion of bile, a substance useful for digestion which is stored in the gallbladder. It produces approximately one liter per day.
This is general disease of the liver that affects its function. The foods causing threat primarily to the liver are alcoholic beverages and food rich in animal protein and fat. All the substance the blood is bringing from the intestine is first processed in and purified in the liver. Due to this fact, the following advice must be put into consideration:
·         Avoid foods that can overwork the liver.
·         Eliminate alcoholic beverages.
·         Avoid as possible as you can chemical-based medication, food contaminants such as pesticides and chemical additives because they will all be processed by the liver.
For the treatment of hepatopathies the following food must be reduces or eliminated: Spices, Fried foods, Butter, Cream, Meat, Shellfish, Sausages, Bacon, Salt, Protein, Total fat, and Alcoholic beverages.
Recommended healing foods: Whole grains, Fruit, Leafy green, Vegetables, Grape, Apple, Plum, Cherry, Loquat, Artichoke, Cardoon, Onion, Sauerkraut, Radish, Tapioca, Tamarind, Honey, Lecithin, Brewer’s yeast, and Olive oil.
Gallbladder Disorder
This is characterized by abdominal heaviness, pain on the right side or headache. Gallbladder is the reservoir for the bile that must empty at the appropriate time. If the gallbladder does not empty at the appropriate time and intensity due to gallstones, inflammation or excessive thick bile, it causes disorder called lazy gallbladder. Food rich in fat can aggravate the problem of gallbladder disorder.
In treating this problem there must be reduction or elimination of the following foods: Total fat, Citrus fruits, and Vegetable.
 Recommended healing foods: Artichoke, Chicory, Belgian endive, Escarole, Radish, Eggplant, Rhubarb, Tamarind, Olive, and Papaya.
This is an infection of the liver or an inflammation which occur due to virus, alcoholic, a medication or another toxin. In dealing with this problem diet must be healthy and light but nutritious. In treating this problem, the following foods must be reduced or eliminated: Alcoholic beverages, Saturated fat, Protein, Sugars, Coffee, and vitamin A
Recommended healing foods: in addition to healing foods recommended for hepatopathies, particular attention must be given to the once recommended in this section. Vegetables, Vitamin C, B vitamins, Folates, Antioxidants.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Healing foods for the digestive system

The processing stages where digestion takes place are in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and stomach. As a result of this process, foods affect these stages base on the characteristics of the different foods in 3 areas:
·         Temperature of the food: when food is very hot or very cold it can irritate the digestive mucosa and may be a factor in cancer.
·         Chemical composition of the food: certain type of meat and alcoholic beverages contain carcinogenic substance which can aid cancer of the mouth, esophagus, and the stomach. Sugar also can cause dental caries.
·         Physical texture of the food: The gum and teeth can be strengthened by chewing foods. If not properly chewed can irritate the esophagus and the stomach.
Healing foods for mouth sores
This is characterized by small painful ulcerations that appear in the oral mucosa as white in the center with red at the border. It can be caused by viral infection, emotional tension or stress, depressed immune system, allergy to some foods, and nutritional deficiencies. In treating mouth sore there must be reduction or elimination of the following foods: Alcoholic beverages, Vinegar, Salt.
Recommended healing foods; Iron, B vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Yogurt, and Acidified Whey. 
Healing foods for Halitosis
This is also known as bad breath. The most common causes of this are smoking, constipation, poor digestion, inadequate oral hygiene, consumption of alcoholic beverages. Those that are addicted to tobacco and alcoholic beverages must abstain from it, in other to treat halitosis. There must also by reduction or elimination of sugar and soft drinks.
 Recommended healing foods; Wheat Bran, Apple, Yogurt, and Water. A plant-base diet helps in proper digestion.
Healing foods for Gingivitis and Periodontitis
The inflammation of the gum is what is known as gingivitis. It makes the gum bleed easily. If the problem is not treated on time all of the tissue surrounding the teeth can be affected which leads to periodontitis. On the other hand, periodontitis occur when the alveolar bone (part of the jaw structure supporting the teeth) deteriorates and lead to lose of teeth. The kind of food eaten can either foster or prevent these diseases. To treat or prevent it, there must be reduction or elimination of the following foods:  Sugar, Alcoholic beverages, Phosphorous, Meat.
Recommended healing foods; Fruit, Vitamin C, Folates, Vitamin A, Coenzyme Q10
Lack of appetite
Many things can cease lack of appetite but it is always advisable to diagnose the causes as soon as possible because it can also occur due to malignant condition such as cancer.
Recommended healing foods; the foods recommended here can improve appetite and foster digestion. Condiments and seasonings, Olives, Horseradish, Rhubarb, Scurvy grass, Sloeberry, and Pollen.

Healing foods for respiratory system

Healthy diet has a great effect on the respiratory system more than one can imagine. Some foods can precipitate the crisis of asthma, examples are milk and egg while other foods like garlic and onion can resist bronchitis. Lung cancer can be prevented with vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene.
A research carried out on children In England and Wales reveals that children who eat fruits daily breath better and have a low risk of respiratory difficulty while those who are fond of eating processed foods suffer from pulmonary malfunction.
Healing foods for Cough
Cough is the most common symptom of the respiratory disease. In actual fact, cough is the defense mechanism to expel foreign substance from the bronchial tube. Certain foods aggravates the causes of cough as other relieves it. In treating cough there must be reduction or elimination of salt and dairy products. Diary product can possibly increase mucus in the respiratory tract which can trigger cough.
There must be increase in the intake of Onion, Honey, Lemon, Vitamin A, vitamin C.
Healing foods for Bronchitis
It is mostly caused by infection in the bronchial passages. The mucosa lining the bronchial will be inflamed and it can be worsening when irritant perfume such as tobacco is inhaled. Various healing foods can help in treating bronchitis: Antibiotics and antiseptics examples are garlic and propolis, Mucolytics examples are Onion and Radishes, Emollients examples are Okra, Dates, and Figs. Other healing foods include: Horseradish, Leek, Watercress, Jujube, Borage, Honey, vitamin A.
In treating bronchitis there must be reduction or elimination of Salt, Alcoholic Beverage, and Saturated fat.
  Healing foods for Asthma
The symptom that comes with asthma is respiratory difficulty accompanied by cough, chest pressure, wheezing and expectoration. It is usually caused by allergic mechanism bringing about spasms and inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Apart from allergenic foods other factor that can aggravate the crisis of asthma are environmental pollution, dust, physical or psychological stress. Elimination of foods that frequently cause allergic reactions will help in reducing the frequency of the crisis.
The following foods must be reduced or eliminated: Salt, Additives, Wine, Beer, Fish, Shellfish, Cured Cheeses, Eggs, Brewer’s yeast, Royal jelly, Milk, and nuts.
Recommended healing foods; Onion, Orange, Horseradish, Oil, Honey, Yogurt, Vegetable, Magnesium, B vitamins, Antioxidants.

Healing foods for Smoking cessation
In treating smoking cessation diet is an important factor. When smoking is stopped, foods must be carefully selected to fulfill these 3 important roles:
·         Damage repair: antioxidant healing foods which are plant-base will protect the cell from chemical aggression caused by tobacco and also help in the restoration of the damage done.
·         Nicotine with other poisons elimination from the body: Fruit, vegetable and water will help in achieving this.
·         Reduce the desire to smoke: any foods or products that stimulate it should be eliminated.
There must reduce or eliminate the intake of the following foods:  Alcoholic beverages, Stimulants beverages, Saturated fats, meat, Spices.
Recommended healing foods; Water, Fruits, Vegetables, Wheat germ, Vitamin C, and Antioxidants.

The best healthy diet dishes for the blood

The common dietary iron which is in form of ferric salts (nonheme iron) comes from vegetable, fruit, and egg. However, it is difficult to absorb this substance in the intestine. The iron found in meat and fish, known as heme iron is more easily absorbed.
Many research have shown that vitamin C, most especially the one from lemon juice can double or triple the rate of absorption of nonheme iron in the intestine. Many cases of anemia are caused by a lack of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. These three nutrients are what the body needs to produce red blood cells. The present recommendation is that each meal should contain 25 mg of vitamin C because of its benefit in aiding the absorption of iron. This amount of vitamin C is provided by half a lemon. The kind of iron found in meat is not so much essential to blood formation. Blood develop from plant-based foods is of a better quality than that from foods of animal origin.
The word anemia literally means lack of blood. This word is used to describe a reduction in erythrocyte (red blood cell) count in the blood. This is what is responsible for the red colour of the blood and also for the transportation of oxygen to all the body’s cells. Healthy diet dishes are essential since foods provide the necessary nutrients for the production of blood cells. Healthy diet dishes needed for the treatment of anemia must contain the following nutrients: Iron, protein, folic acid, copper, vitamin B12, B1, B2, B6, C, and E. Some of the foods that contain these nutrients are Legumes, Soy, Fruit, Leafy green, Vegetables, Alfalfa, Watercress, Red beet, Spinach, Avocado, Sunflower seed, Pistacho, Grape, Passion fruit, Apricot, Lemon, Spirulina, Molasses iron etc. There must be reduction or elimination of the following foods: Tea, Wheat bran, Alcoholic Beverages and Milk.
Blood has the tendency to clot spontaneously but when this clotting occur within the blood vessel a solid clot or thrombus is formed that blocks the free circulation of blood through the blood vessel. This is what is referred to as thrombosis and can take place in the arteries or the vein. It can lead heart attack or stroke. Thrombosis can be caused by the following factors:
·         Eating diet that is high in saturated fat and salt.
·         The presence of excess toxic in the blood.
·         Intake of tobacco.
·         Lack of physical exercise.
Healthy diet dishes needed for treatment must contain the followings: Garlic, Lemon, Orange, Onion, Grape, Fruit, Soy, Olive oil, and fish oil.

Common heart diseases and the best healing foods

Common heart diseases and the best healing foods
Cardiac failure:
This occurs as a result of the heart inability to pump the necessary volume of blood. Some of the causes of these problems are related to diet. When there are excess fluids in the body basically ceased by excess sodium or salt consumption or poor kidney failure meaning greater blood volume, more effort is required by the heart to pump which lead to fatigue. Also lack of nutrients such as vitamin B1, calcium, magnesium and potassium can weaken the heart.
Recommended healing foods
A nourishing and invigorating diet to the heart is needed for the treatment of cardiac failure in addition to low intake of salt. In case of low urine volume, diuretic foods are recommended. There must be drastic reduction in sodium and alcoholic beverages including beer.
There must be increase in the intake of Walnuts, Cherimoya, Garden pea, Broccoli, Cherry, Grapefruit, and coenzyme Q10.
Angina pectoris:
This is a condition marked by severe pain in the region of chest, caused by an inadequate blood supply to the heart. It is generally experienced after some stressful situation, intense emotion, or physical effort. Unlike an infarction, angina is reversible and usually doesn’t cause permanent heart damage.
Recommended healing foods
Diet rich in saturated fat and tobacco is one of the primary causes of this problem. Plant –based foods and foods rich in magnesium is essential as healing foods.
In other words, there must be a reduction or total elimination of sodium/salt, saturated fat and tobacco.
On the other hand there must be increase in the intake of the following healing foods: Grapes, Walnut, Onion, Whole grains, Barley, Rye, Potato, Peach, Strawberry, Squash, Zucchini, Cashew, Mango, Non-alcoholic wine.
 Myocardial Infarction
This occurs when a coronary artery or one of its branches is completely obstructed. It leads to permanent damage in the muscle that forms the heart consisting of necrosis or tissue death in that area of the heart.
Recommended healing foods
Eating the right healing foods after heart attack contribute a lot to rehabilitation and the prevention of new occurrence.  There must be a reduction or total elimination of the following foods: Meat, Iron, Saturated fat, Cholesterol, Sausages, Ham, Trans fatty acids, Margarine, Butter, Fried foods, Milk, Dairy productions, Alcoholic beverages, White sugar, and sodium.
 There must be an increase in the intake of the following healing foods: Fruit, Legumes, Grape, Walnut, Vegetables, Soy, Chickpea, Garden pea, Artichoke, Strawberry, Squash, Peach, Mango, Macadamia, Potato, Wheat Bran, Olive Oil, Fish, Antioxidants, Vitamin A, Flavonoids, Coenzyme Q10, and Fiber.