Healthy diet has a great effect on the respiratory system
more than one can imagine. Some foods can precipitate the crisis of asthma,
examples are milk and egg while other foods like garlic and onion can resist bronchitis.
Lung cancer can be prevented with vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene.
A research carried out on children In England and Wales
reveals that children who eat fruits daily breath better and have a low risk of
respiratory difficulty while those who are fond of eating processed foods
suffer from pulmonary malfunction.
foods for Cough
Cough is the most common symptom of the respiratory disease.
In actual fact, cough is the defense mechanism to expel foreign substance from
the bronchial tube. Certain foods aggravates the causes of cough as other
relieves it. In treating cough there must be reduction or elimination of salt
and dairy products. Diary product can possibly increase mucus in the
respiratory tract which can trigger cough.
There must be increase in the intake of Onion, Honey, Lemon,
Vitamin A, vitamin C.
foods for Bronchitis
It is mostly caused by infection in the bronchial passages.
The mucosa lining the bronchial will be inflamed and it can be worsening when
irritant perfume such as tobacco is inhaled. Various healing foods can help in
treating bronchitis: Antibiotics and antiseptics examples are garlic and
propolis, Mucolytics examples are Onion and Radishes, Emollients examples are
Okra, Dates, and Figs. Other healing foods include: Horseradish, Leek,
Watercress, Jujube, Borage, Honey, vitamin A.
In treating bronchitis there must be reduction or
elimination of Salt, Alcoholic Beverage, and Saturated fat.
Healing foods for Asthma
The symptom that comes with asthma is respiratory difficulty
accompanied by cough, chest pressure, wheezing and expectoration. It is usually
caused by allergic mechanism bringing about spasms and inflammation of the
bronchial tubes. Apart from allergenic foods other factor that can aggravate the
crisis of asthma are environmental pollution, dust, physical or psychological
stress. Elimination of foods that frequently cause allergic reactions will help
in reducing the frequency of the crisis.
The following foods must be reduced or eliminated: Salt,
Additives, Wine, Beer, Fish, Shellfish, Cured Cheeses, Eggs, Brewer’s yeast,
Royal jelly, Milk, and nuts.
Recommended healing foods; Onion, Orange, Horseradish, Oil,
Honey, Yogurt, Vegetable, Magnesium, B vitamins, Antioxidants.
foods for Smoking cessation
In treating smoking cessation diet is an important factor.
When smoking is stopped, foods must be carefully selected to fulfill these 3
important roles:
Damage repair: antioxidant healing foods which
are plant-base will protect the cell from chemical aggression caused by tobacco
and also help in the restoration of the damage done.
Nicotine with other poisons elimination from the
body: Fruit, vegetable and water will help in achieving this.
Reduce the desire to smoke: any foods or
products that stimulate it should be eliminated.
There must reduce or eliminate the intake of the following
foods: Alcoholic beverages, Stimulants
beverages, Saturated fats, meat, Spices.
Recommended healing foods; Water, Fruits, Vegetables, Wheat
germ, Vitamin C, and Antioxidants.
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