Saturday, 27 July 2013

How to prevent cancer

                                                                Food that prevent cancer

One of the chronic disease that one should watch out for is cancer, most especially if people with tendencies. Cancer can be promoted by eating the wrong diet and as well be prevented if you eat well. What are the foods that prevent this deadly disease?
Fruit: the most effective anticarcinogenic food is fruit especially take along side vegetable. Scientific research conducted throughout the world reveals that consumption of fruit in abundance prevents most of the cancer that affect humans.
•    Citrus like orange, lemon and grape has anticarcinogenic capacity due to the combine effect of vitamin C, flavoniods, limoniods and pectin.
•    Apple and plums help in preventing colon cancer.
•    Pineapples prevent stomach cancer.
•    Grapes contain resveratrol especially in the skin which is anticarcinogenic.
•    Blackberries and other aggregate fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and currants are rich in anthocynanins, powerful antioxidants that neutralize the carcinogenic effect of free radicals.
•    Acerolas, guavas and kiwis are also effective because of their high vitamin C content.
Olive oil: research conducted in the United States and Spain reveal that when olive oil is substituted for other dietary fats it reduces breast cancer risk.
Whole grains: the fiber in whole grains accelerates movement through the bowel. It as well retains and removes carcinogenic substances that may be in the digestive tract, excreting them with the feces. Grains also contain phytates, which act as anticarcinogens, though they as well reduce zinc and iron absorption.
 Vegetables: all vegetables prevent cancer to a greater or lesser degree. Their richness in vitamin C, vitamin A, together with antioxidant phytochemicals result in anticarcinogenic effect.
•    Carrots are have high concentration of beta-carotene, carotenoids, and fiber prove its anticarcinogenic effect.
•    Red beets contain anticarcinogenic phytochemicals.
•    Botanical family solanaceae: the vegetable of this family protect against cancer, particularly tomatoes, sweet peppers and eggplants. They are rich in beta-carotene, carotenoids and vitamin C, all of which are potent antioxidants.
•    Botanical family liliaceae: all of the vegetable of this family like onion and garlic, contain flavonoids and sulfurated essences that protect against cancer.
•    Crucifers: examples are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and radishes. This plant family contain a variety of sulfurated phytochemicals whose anticarcinogenic effect has been demonstrated in animal laboratory. This effect persists after cooking. They are best for their cancer prevention properties.
Yogurt: in contrast to milk, whose consumption is related with a variety of cancer, yogurt protects against cancer. Its content of active bacterial cultures and lactic acid partially explain this protective effect.
 Legumes: these are very effective in protecting against cancer due to their richness in fiber and anticarcinogenic phytochemicals such as phytic acid and phytates.
•    Soy and its derivatives particularly tofu and soymil, provide a variety of anticarcinogenic phytochemicals. The most effective are the isoflavones genistein and daidzein. They are very effective against prostate and breast cancer.

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