Thursday, 23 May 2013

Healing foods for the digestive system

The processing stages where digestion takes place are in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and stomach. As a result of this process, foods affect these stages base on the characteristics of the different foods in 3 areas:
·         Temperature of the food: when food is very hot or very cold it can irritate the digestive mucosa and may be a factor in cancer.
·         Chemical composition of the food: certain type of meat and alcoholic beverages contain carcinogenic substance which can aid cancer of the mouth, esophagus, and the stomach. Sugar also can cause dental caries.
·         Physical texture of the food: The gum and teeth can be strengthened by chewing foods. If not properly chewed can irritate the esophagus and the stomach.
Healing foods for mouth sores
This is characterized by small painful ulcerations that appear in the oral mucosa as white in the center with red at the border. It can be caused by viral infection, emotional tension or stress, depressed immune system, allergy to some foods, and nutritional deficiencies. In treating mouth sore there must be reduction or elimination of the following foods: Alcoholic beverages, Vinegar, Salt.
Recommended healing foods; Iron, B vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Yogurt, and Acidified Whey. 
Healing foods for Halitosis
This is also known as bad breath. The most common causes of this are smoking, constipation, poor digestion, inadequate oral hygiene, consumption of alcoholic beverages. Those that are addicted to tobacco and alcoholic beverages must abstain from it, in other to treat halitosis. There must also by reduction or elimination of sugar and soft drinks.
 Recommended healing foods; Wheat Bran, Apple, Yogurt, and Water. A plant-base diet helps in proper digestion.
Healing foods for Gingivitis and Periodontitis
The inflammation of the gum is what is known as gingivitis. It makes the gum bleed easily. If the problem is not treated on time all of the tissue surrounding the teeth can be affected which leads to periodontitis. On the other hand, periodontitis occur when the alveolar bone (part of the jaw structure supporting the teeth) deteriorates and lead to lose of teeth. The kind of food eaten can either foster or prevent these diseases. To treat or prevent it, there must be reduction or elimination of the following foods:  Sugar, Alcoholic beverages, Phosphorous, Meat.
Recommended healing foods; Fruit, Vitamin C, Folates, Vitamin A, Coenzyme Q10
Lack of appetite
Many things can cease lack of appetite but it is always advisable to diagnose the causes as soon as possible because it can also occur due to malignant condition such as cancer.
Recommended healing foods; the foods recommended here can improve appetite and foster digestion. Condiments and seasonings, Olives, Horseradish, Rhubarb, Scurvy grass, Sloeberry, and Pollen.

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